Reflecting upon the learning activities you completed in this module you will co

Reflecting upon the learning activities you completed in this module you will complete a blog applying social psychology concepts.
Everyone is responsible for performing in a variety of social roles at any given time. These social roles, in turn, guide our behavior. For this assignment, you are to:
Identify three different social roles that you currently hold.
For each social role, specify two to three behavioral expectations (social norms) for a person in that role.
What is an advantage of having socially-defined roles?
What is a disadvantage of having socially-defined roles?
Title your entry M12: Social Psychology.
In addition to your own blog posts on the subject, I encourage you to read and perhaps even respond to a blog post from another student. While reading others and responding is not part of your grade, it will help you to better understand the material and aid with your learning.
Grades for the blog will be assigned using the PSYCH 201 Blog Rubric. I strongly encourage you to review this rubric before starting each blog assignment. This rubric is available in the right hand column of the Blog area, as well as in the course Grade Center. As well as providing well-thought-out responses to the prompts, you are expected to provide entries that demonstrate college-level writing skills; as noted in the blog rubric, grammar and spelling will count towards your grade.
Note: Each blog entry is worth 15 points, for a total of 225 points (15 points x 15 entries). There is one column in the Grade Center for your blog, so your point total will continue to grow throughout the course for this assignment. Don’t panic when, after this entry, the Grade Center might indicate that you received 180/225! It really would be 15/15 for the entry, since each entry is worth 15 points.
Review this video Creating and Editing a Blog Entry if you need assistance with this feature.
See Schedule for due date.
Videos ( Very Short) :

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