Readings: Anderson, H. (2005). Myths about knowing. Family Process, 44, 4, 497-5

Anderson, H. (2005). Myths about knowing. Family Process, 44, 4, 497-504.
Gambrill, E. (2012). (3rd ed). Critical Thinking in Clinical Practice: Improving the
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Jenson, J.M. & Howard, M.O. (2013). Evidence Based Practice. Encyclopedia of Social Work.
National Social Work Association Press and Oxford University Press. Published online June
13, 2013.
Messer, S. B. & Gurman, A.S. (2011). Ch. 1, Contemporary issues in psychotherapy
theory, practice and research: A framework for comparative study. OR Ch. 1 – Current
Issues in Messer and Kaslow, 4th Ed.
Neimeyer, R.A. & Bridges, S.K. (2003). “Postmodern approaches to psychotherapy”. In
Gurman & Messer, Ch. 8, pp. 272-316.
Sarri, C. (2002). The environment: Its role in psychosocial functioning and psychotherapy.
New York: Columbia University Press. Ch. 9: “Symbolization: Connections between
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Clinical Social Work, 39, 328-333.
David, D. (2007). Quo Vadis CBT? Transcultural perspectives on the past, present, and
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Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 7, 2, 171-217.
Gurman, A.S. & Messer, S.B. (2011). Essential psychotherapies: Theory and practice.
Ch. 4, Behavior therapy: Traditional approaches and Ch. 5, Cognitive therapy.
Latzer, Y., Peretz, T., & Kreutzer, S. (2008). Conflict-oriented cognitive behavioral therapy
(CO-CBT): An integrative approach to the treatment of bulimia nervosa patients.
Clinical Social Work Journal, online first.
MacLaren, C. (2008). Use of self in cognitive behavioral therapy. Clinical Social Work
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Shen, E.K. & Alden, L.E., Sochting, I. & Tsang, P. (2006). Clinical observations of a
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Tempel, L.R. (2008). Loosening the soil of their thinking: A theoretical integration for
contracting with mothers to stop physical aggression toward their children. Child
&Adolescent Social Work Journal, 26, 1 39-48.
Turkington, D, Kingdon, D., & Weiden, P. (2006). Cognitive Behavior therapy for
schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry, 163, 365-373.
Van Hook, M.P. (2008). Social work practice with families: A resiliency-based approach,
Ch. 5, Social le
• On CBT:
The midterm assignment will be a 7-8 page paper, excluding cover sheet and references on your conceptualization of a cognitive-behavioral (CBT) intervention with a client. If you have not had the opportunity to actually perform this type of intervention with a client, please think of a type of behavior or thought/thinking pattern that your client might want to change and write about how you conceive this process using CBT would proceed. Please discuss the phases of intervention: engagement, assessment, intervention and termination (if termination applies and is relevant). Please discuss how the cognitive-behavioral intervention either proceeded and ended or is still proceeding. Please reflect on your clinical interventions and the overall contributions and limitations of using an evidence-based practice such as cognitive behavioral intervention, in general. You may discuss how you would use (or have used, if possible) cognitive behavioral interventions alone or in conjunction with other clinical approaches. This paper should be above the 6 references from the syllabus. You may also use additional research articles/readings from the library website, if you feel it is necessary and/or appropriate to support the points you are trying to convey in your paper, however additional articles are not necessary. Your paper will be graded to a large extent on how well you integrate readings assigned in class. APA style required. Please write clearly and concisely. Please proofread your paper. Due on Tuesday, October 12, 2021; please email in before class that day.
those are the instructions

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