produce a portfolio which compares two different countries in a global context by evaluating either care or education for children and young people

You are required to produce a portfolio which compares two different countries in a global context by evaluating either care or education for children and young people. The portfolio will be comprised of two elements:
1. Two factsheets (one for each country) setting out key facts/evidence including statistics for each of the countries – maximum word length for both of the factsheets is 750 words ( so 375 words for each fact sheet)
2. An infographics powerpoint presentation with commentary notes which highlights critical points of comparison between the two countries and includes your own reflection on what you have learned about the global/local context for the countries compared. A total of 4-6 slides with your commentary in the notes section of powerpoint, maximum 500 words.
References are in addition to the main word count.
work need to be 4-6 slides and 1250 word count

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