potential health promotion program at my local university (Kentucky Wesleyan College) to improve the professor’s daily activity.

This is an ongoing assignment regarding a potential health promotion program at my local university (Kentucky Wesleyan College) to improve the professor’s daily activity. Components will include gym memberships to all employees, activity trackers and incentives given when certain activity levels are reached, partnership with current insurance provider (Anthem Health), and/or fitness classes offered on-campus during lunch hours by current Exercise Science students. The textbook used for this class is McKenzie J., F., Neiger, B.L., and Thackeray, R. (2017). Planning, Implementing and Evaluating Health Promotion Programs: A Primer 7 edition. Pearson Ed. For this particular assignment, The methods section of a research paper provides the information by which a study’s validity is judged. Therefore, it requires a clear and precise descriiption of how an experiment was done and the rationale for why specific experimental procedures were chosen. This assignment focus on the sampling, experimental design, participant recruitment, and protocol.
Here is a supporting link for more information of what to include in the Method Section according to APA: http://www.rit.edu/cla/gssp400/lectures/e8.html
Participants Example:
As a result of being granted permission by the Institutional Review Board, a convenience sample of approximately 40 fourth and fifth-grade students were obtained from the Sallie Zetterower Elementary After School Program. Participants of the study were obtained through permission from the After School Program, the children, and the parents of children by signing a consent form. The demographics of the students ranged from 9-12 years of age. The study was non-experimental in design with all students participating in the intervention group, using a pre and post-test survey for evaluation.
Protocol Example:
During program implementation, students participated in an interactive walking club. Four sessions were held for 2 weeks, and each with a different aspect of physical activity (PA) involved. The first session involved trekking around the school campus and selecting a series of index cards with physical activities written on them, such as jumping jacks, push-ups, leapfrog, jogging in place, and imaginary jump rope to name a few. Preceding and following the activity for the day, the facilitators conducted a ten-minute stretch warm-up and cool down led by a facilitator and co-led by a student. The second session was dedicated to physically interactive games, such as freeze dance, triangle tag, red light green, and others. Implementation day three was deemed “relay day” where various relay stations were set up around the school. These games included a chicken relay, basketball, jump rope, over and under, spoon zoom, and other competitive events. The participants were divided into three groups, and the objective was to complete each station to receive a prize. Lastly, session four was the students’ choice day. The children were given the opportunity to pick any of their favorite activities previously done in the program. After each session during the cool-down phase, conversations about PA were held about why the students believe PA is important and if they plan on increasing the amount of PA they engage in on a day to day basis.
Measurement Example:
This program was designed to measure physical activity (PA) and the participants’ attitudes towards physical activity. Measurement was determined through the use of an attitudinal pre and post-test survey, along with a modified PA survey. The participants’ attitudes towards physical activity was measured using the Treatment Self-Regulation Questionnaire (TSRQ) which contained items that measured both positive and negative attitudes towards PA (Ryan & Connell, 1989). The TSRQ contains 15 items. In addition to the attitudinal survey, physical activity was measured using The Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C) (Kowalski, Crocker, & Donen, 2014). The PAQ-C contains 10 items with consistently high validity and moderate reliability. The instrument contained items that measured general levels of physical activity throughout the elementary school year for students in grades 4 to 8. The facilitators modified the survey and had the participants only answer questions about PA during spare time and PA during the week and weekend. Anonymity was maintained by asking the participants to not put any identifying markers on the instrument.
Sample Analysis Example:
Data analysis for the program was run on the SPSS Software, version 19 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). Inferential statistics were run to detect change among the children on attitude toward physical activity along with changes in physical activity. A t-test was used to determine if there was a significant difference in attitudes towards physical activity at the start and end of the program, along with whether there was an increase in physical activity alone. Descriiptive data were applied to all demographics (age, gender, race).
I have attached the program proposal, budget plan, marketing plan, article review, introduction, and a sample example of how this assignment should be constructed, as well as discussion posts written by me about this program for your reference and use.
Also, here is a video link for an overview from my teacher (https://youtu.be/RRGRkfRfn8U)
Make sure to fully review theses documents and extend upon them in this assignment.

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