Polanyi was able to articulate and embody his conception of how we must stay awa

Polanyi was able to articulate
and embody his conception of how we must
stay away from the simplistic view that
knowledge is something to be captured by a set of rules and instead think about how we
know things. In the same matter, he believed that we
cannot separte knowledge claims from personal
judgemnts. That traditions, values, culture in general will impact our views
and that basically we examine the world in a biased way.
Knowledge will always be biased because of the receptor. Due to how the receptor interprets knowledge.
Critically assess micheal polanyi’s text through two examples:
1. How sports can be evidence that learning can be SOLEY expressed explicitly. For example, in golf, you can teach someone explicitly how to swing properly.
2. How music cannot be taught ONLY through tacit knowledge. For example, playing jazz requires knowledge in depth of musical understanding (keys & notes).

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