Please visit the National Registry of Exonerations, and search under “Browse Cas

Please visit the National Registry of Exonerations, and search under “Browse Cases” at (Links to an external site.).  Select three cases at random.  For my cases select cases one case that is in California, one case that is in New York and one case that is Alabama. The goal is to select cases from different jurisdictions, time periods, underlying convictions, etc. and to apply the knowledge that you gained throughout the semester to actual exonerations.
For each case, first answer Parts I and II.  When you are done, please answer Part III. So the paper should be set up like this: Case #1 answer part 1 and 2, case #2 answer part 1 and 2, and case number 3 answer part 1 and 2. Then after that answer part 3 for all of the cases. 
Part I.  Answer the following questions based on the National Registry of Exonerations. 
What is the name of the exoneree?
Where and when was he or she convicted?
What was the underlying crime for which he was convicted? Briefly describe the offense and any details about the crime that are of interest.
What was his or her original sentence?
What was his or her race? Ethnicity? Gender?
How many years did he or she serve in prison before he or she was exonerated?
As identified on the NRE site, what were the causes of the wrongful conviction? Discuss.
If available, how was he or she exonerated? Was an Innocence Project involved? 
Part II.  Are your exonerees eligible for compensation by state statute? You should be able to find the answer in the article you read about the case. But if not, to find out more, go to the Innocence Project website at  (Links to an external site.) There is a chart you can click on for information about state compensation statutes.
If your exoneree is in a jurisdiction that provides compensation, what is the minimum and maximum that the exoneree may receive? What are some of the limitations with the compensation statute?
Part III. 
Consider the similarities and differences between the selected cases.  What was most interesting or surprising to you?
How did your findings relate to what you learned in our Wrongful Convictions class?
In what way, if any, has this class impacted your perspective on the criminal justice system?
I attached PowerPoints from my class that you can use to answer part 3.
This is due on Monday November 29th, 2021 at 3:00 p.m eastern New York time 

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