Please use based on readings videos and links De Kluyver, C. A., & Pearce, J. A.

Please use based on readings videos and links
De Kluyver, C. A., & Pearce, J. A. (2015). Strategic management: An executive perspective. New York, NY: Business Expert Press.
Chapter 6: Formulating business unit strategy
Articles, Websites, and Videos:
This case study describes the convenience store industry in Canada using the example of Little Short Stop Stores established by Gary Bes in 2018.
Bess, G., Schnarr, K., & Woodwark, M. (2020). Little Short Stop Creating Strategy for a Shifting Industry. Ivey Publishing.
This article describes a variety of leadership styles and qualities of effective leaders.
Zimmer, S. (2019). Leadership. Leadership — Research Starters Business, 1.
Steve Jobs’ Leadership Style.
Watch Video
Steve Jobs’ management style. Leadership.
Duration: 7:47
User: MrSebby05 – Added: 3/20/13
Leadership and the Relevation to Organizational SuccessLeadership and the Relevation to Organizational Success
chess pieces on chess board against clouded skyDriving organizational success requires effective leadership. There is probably no topic more important to business success today than leadership. Leadership occurs between people, involves the use of influence, and is used to attain goals. Influence means that the relationship among people is not passive.
The turbulence and uncertainty of the environment in which most organizations are operating have significantly influenced leadership styles in recent years. Ethical and economic difficulties, corporate governance concerns, globalization, changes in technology, new ways of working, shifting employee expectations, and significant social transitions have contributed to a shift in how we think about and practice leadership. In this unit, we will examine the qualities of an effective leader and how these qualities have adapted to the challenges of today’s global economy.
Examine decision making at the leadership level.
Identify personal characteristics associated with effective leaders.
Analyze the strategies used by an organization and the level to which they have been effective.
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