Pictures This is the draft 1 / 1 I never forget a bad hair day. In my experien

This is the draft
1 / 1
I never forget a bad hair day. In my experience, a bad haircut can only be described as an embarrassment, and disturbing experience that assuredly leaves me with a bad haircut experience. While I recognize how bad it was for me because my hair is more than just a hair it’s my look and part of my face. Unfortunately, I wasn’t best at taking care of my hair therefore my hair always looks like it wasn’t healthy at all.
Throughout my life, I’ve had so many disaster trims than I care, but I learned from It. I receive 1 haircut a week my hair is really important to me. Throughout man’s life everyone man will experience “a bad day with a haircut” I could guaranty you that. However, one of my recent trims I did it in my country Uzbekistan barbers over there actually cut my hair the way I wanted it.
What my family and friends didn’t understand was the essential role hair plays in my and everybody’s life. My dad never liked my haircuts till this day he has something to say about my hair I think it’s the culture or where he was raised, they have different mindset when it comes to hair styles
Haircuts have been my way of gaining confidence, and control mt hair as my own. In middle school it used to be bad everyone used to make fun of my hair because it used to be short and spikey, I used to be ashamed to go inside the classroom now that I gained my confidence nobody can’t put me down.
In conclusion, my hair and my haircuts became so much more important after I grew up little bit. Perhaps that’s why bad haircut days are the Onces more memorable because people get to laugh and enjoy the moment

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