Pick two songs by a musician or band from before Chapter 6 (The British Invasion

Pick two songs by a musician or band from before Chapter 6 (The British Invasion or before the 1960’s) in the textbook. Listen to a
few songs by them and explain the following:
What genre would this qualify as in your opinion and why?
What genre is it not, and why?
Are their any of the structures that we discussed in class (verse/chorus, 12 Bar Blues, etc.)
Who was this music made for, and what social, political, technological, and/or cultural ideas are associated with it?
What do you think about it, do you like it? Does it remind you or lead to music that you listen to?
Anything else you want to say about it?
Then write at least a paragraph (NOT A LIST) about each for about a page total ( typed, double spaced, in complete sentences with good grammar and punctuation, etc.) You will be graded half on the mechanics of your writing and half on how well you answer the questions.
For this assignment I listened to Chuck Berry’s songs “Johnny B Goode” and “School
Days” and these are clearly an example of rock and roll. The songs were both extremely fast,
with backbeat, and Berry acts like he’s going wild which as discussed in class was a
characteristic of rock and roll. With the fast driving tempo it doesn’t sound like blues, and
although the lead guitar sounds like country the drums and the beat don’t fit with that genre
either. Both of these songs follow the 12 bar blues form, but “Johnny B Goode” also uses
verse and chorus form. Berry also incorporates entire sections of guitar solos that give him
the opportunity to show his virtuosity and why he was so influential on later guitarists.
Particularly “School Days” is teen themed, and designed to sell to white teens showing Berry
as a prominent crossover artist. I really like Chuck Berry’s music, and think he is not given
enough credit for his career and influence.

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