Pick a specific diagnosis for your section theme (for example, RTC tendonitis, b

Pick a specific diagnosis for your section theme (for example, RTC tendonitis, biceps tendonitis, adhesive capsulitis, shoulder impingement, glenohumeral instability, lateral epicondylitis, etc)
• Title page to include Section name, student’s name and credentials and diagnosis
• This section should include a brief synopsis of the diagnosis with a statement on the therapeutic purpose/focus.
• The student will develop an exercise program consisting of 5 therapeutic exercises and 3 flexibility stretches:
o Exercise example:
Diagnosis: Impingement syndrome of the shoulder
Impairment: weakness of the SITS muscles
Impairment contraindications: pain with activity/overhead activity
Exercise: side-lying external rotation to work on infraspinatus and teres minor
Purpose: To improve humeral head depression during elevation
Nerve: suprascapular, C5-C6/axillary nerve C5-C6
(Exercise Photo)
​​Describe how to do the exercise
o Stretch example:
Diagnosis: Impingement syndrome of the shoulder
​Impairment: posterior capsule tightness
​Impairment contraindications: into an empty end feel
​Exercise: posterior shoulder stretch/cross arm stretch
​Purpose: to improve posterior capsular mobility
​Muscles additionally being stretched: posterior deltoid, rhomboids, middle trap
​(Stretch Photo)
​Describe how to do the stretch

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