Paper: Idealized Design of a Responsible and Adaptive Organization for the 21st

Paper: Idealized Design of a Responsible and Adaptive Organization for the 21st Century The idealized design of an organization consists in identifying and describing an ideal hypothetical organization, complete with features that you studied in this course. Your idealization should be of a complex, realistic/true to life hypothetical organization. To clarify and explore in depth the organization, you could identify the hypothetical products or services it offers. It should assume that the organization is moderately large and has at least some global operations. Your idealized design should demonstrate your knowledge via the use of the course metaphors to describe aspects of the ideal organization. In essence, the idealized design should make use of examples that we have seen in the course, especially in the course readings, lectures and student presentations, and from the website Your paper should also draw considerably in the wise leadership practices found in The Wise Company. As evidence of your comprehension and ability to use course material, your paper should yield a picture of an organization that would be continuously evolving towards a more viable and innovative condition within the complex and rapidly changing conditions we face now and into the future. As the major research assignment of the course, your paper should demonstrate your broad and deep understanding of the course material, especially the metaphors and the wise company practices we explore in class. Some of the metaphors may naturally be more relevant than others. Your writing should also make clear the unique challenges that this organization has, given our present conditions and into the foreseeable future. Suggested elements of your Paper (1) Introduction: Introduce the Hypothetical Organization. If you wish, you can use an existing organization as a model/basis for your description. But do not limit yourself to the circumstances and situations/challenges that the organization has at present. (2) Explore the course metaphors Use the metaphors to explore the features you would like to see in this ideal organization. How is it structured? How does it work optimally as a system? What features does it have to make it a highly intelligent information processing/decision making/communicating system? How is it a healthy culture, and not a psychic prison? Again, what features make this possible? Bring in examples from real organizations to illustrate as many of the features you are describing. (3) Exploring the Features of the Wise Company Following the same approach as in (2) above, how will this organization specifically utilize the wise company leadership practices. In other words: a.) How will this organization contribute to society, making wise decisions to do so? B.) How will leaders grasp the essence of things and see from a deeper perspective into events and people? 3.) How will wise leaders create Ba (Meaning-Climate-Flow)? 4.) How will leaders use metaphors, stories and historical imagination? 5.) How will wise leaders exercise political power? 6.) How will leaders foster practical wisdom in others through apprenticeship and mentoring? Again, please use some examples of features of real organizations, such as found at and perhaps just a few direct examples from The Wise Company.

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