our relaxation technique is Jacobson. Please i do not want any article listed he

our relaxation technique is Jacobson.
Please i do not want any article listed here to be used.
https://ruj.uj.edu.pl/xmlui/bitstream/handle/item/256813/ferendiuk_pihut_et-al_progressive_muscle_relaxation_according_to_jacobson_in_treatment_2019.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y (Emily)
Effectiveness of Jacobson’s Progressive Muscle Relaxation (JPMR) on Educational Stress among School going Adolescents (Dajah)
https://journals.lww.com/jnr-twna/fulltext/2017/08000/evaluating_the_effectiveness_of_using_a.5.aspx (Kristen)

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