Micro Hubs -Work Shops -Two Pronged Approach The question that Rhonda Klosler now wants to focus her leadership team on is how should RSM harness technology to create a better work experience and environment for Generation Z

risk and contingency plan and a gantt chart or timeline based on these recommendations for RSM
-Micro Hubs
-Work Shops
-Two Pronged Approach
The question that Rhonda Klosler now
wants to focus her leadership team on is how should RSM harness technology to create
a better work experience and environment for Generation Z new hires and co-op
students? What was the right combination of remote and in-person in terms of time and
activities? What specific technologies might be adopted and how might they be used?
She hoped that the team would have some innovative and effective recommendations
for technologies and work design.
below i left some more info on the three points of my recommendation

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