M09 + M12 – Submit Resume Directions First, you will develop a single-page resum

M09 + M12 – Submit Resume Directions
First, you will develop a single-page resume for yourself and submit it in M10 – Due! by the date shown in the course outline.  This first copy will be your rough draft.  I will review the rough draft and, as needed, make suggestions.  
After you have made any necessary revisions of the draft, submit your final single-page version in M12 – Due!, by the date listed in the course outline and also on the Canvas calendar. 
This is a two-part assignment. 
A rough draft will be in M10 – Due! 
The final version will be submitted to M12 – Due!
You have read about resumes in your text and postings provided by the instructor. Continue with more research of your own.  For the interior design, we want to be creative, yet need to be professional.  How will you accomplish this combination successfully?  Do some Internet searches for things like “interior designer resumes” and/or “interior designer resume styles”  I’m looking forward to seeing your final resumes.
Keep in mind that most Human Relations people do not like and sometimes will not read resumes that are more than one single page in content.  This is where some of you will need editing skills.  Resumes with spelling and/or grammar errors often are tossed out.  Check out www.grammarly.com to help with your resume. How can you best showcase what you have accomplished and your skills without being overwhelming?
Remember it’s always a good idea to maintain a current resume.  You never know when you’ll need one! 

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