Lesson 1 Discussion 1 No unread replies.No replies. Please create a discussion p

Lesson 1 Discussion 1
No unread replies.No replies.
Please create a discussion post introducing yourself to the class and answer the following questions:
Where are you from?africa
What made you want to take this Introduction to Social Work course?
Do you have any experience in Social Work? If yes, please share some of your experience (s). no
What do you hope to learn from this course?
Lesson 1 Discussion 2
After reviewing the readings and video, please create a substantial discussion post considering the following question(s) in your post.
What were your perceptions of the role of a Social Worker prior to this class?
What types of Social Work interest you the most and why? family or care.
Lesson 2 Discussion
Discussion Question:
After reviewing the readings, please create a substantial discussion post considering the following question(s) in your post.
Please share your thoughts on the history of Social Work.
Do you agree or disagree with the English Poor Laws and should they be implemented in society today?

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