For this assignment you will reflect on one of the interviews you have conducted

For this assignment you will reflect on one of the interviews you have conducted for your research
paper. The first part of this assignment should be the basics of the interview; who you interviewed,
where, and your interviewee’s details. In this part you also talk about what the general atmosphere of
the interview was like; friendly, quiet, filled with awkward silences. And finally you need to talk about
your interviewee’s reaction, behavior, and attitude.
The second part would be your reflection on the interview. What did you think about your questions?
How did you feel during the interview? How would you evaluate the interview in general? What did you
think about the outcome of the interview? Were you satisfied, disappointed…etc? If you had a chance to
redo the interview, how would you do it differently? What question(s) would you omit? What questions
that you have not asked would you have loved to ask? Would you choose different participant?
The last part is where you will discuss your interview in relation to your research. Did you learn anything
new from the interview? Was there anything surprising, shocking, inspiring… etc? How would you use
the information you obtained from the interview in your research? And finally, choose one thing “direct
quote” that your interviewee said and talk about it. How does this relate to your research? Why did you
choose this quote in particular?
 Your report should be 500 words in length minimum you must include the word count at the end).
 Your report should be double-spaced, typed in size 11 or 12 font
 This assignment is not an interview script.
 This assignment is worth 20 points.
don’t make it a scripted interview make it an essay
throughout talk about gender eqaulity in the middle east and in the western side.

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