Learning Objectives This assignment will help you: Narrow and Select an essay t

Learning Objectives
This assignment will help you:
Narrow and Select an essay topic
Use prewriting techniques to develop an essay
Formulate a thesis statement.
Select a pattern of organization for an essay
Use a process approach to write an essay
Analyze professional essays
Find, analyze, interpret, synthesize, and evaluate sources
Use MLA documentation
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According to Neil Postman, author of Technopoly: the surrender of culture to technology, “Technological change is neither additive nor subtractive. It is ecological.” Therefore, “One significant change generates total change.” For example, now that many of us have air conditioning, we are conditioned (pun intended) to be most efficient when we have the ideal room temperature; in a heat wave during a power outage, we may become irritable, tired, anxious, and less functional. In other words, the technology generated a “total change” in our thinking. Of course, one could argue that, without climate control, we would’ve never functioned so well. But functionality is only part of the story. In fact, “new technologies,” argues Postman, transform “the things we think about,” and “the things we think with.” Imagine a world without movies and television and you have a world where people are unlikely to think cinematically.
In a 1500+ word (minimum) argumentative essay that discusses “The Judgment of Thamus” (from Postman’s Book) and incorporates at least one more technology essay (from the course supplemental essays or library databases), respond to the following:
To what extent is Postman’s argument relevant to understanding how a specific technology has impacted our culture and the way we think? Choose one such technology to narrow your focus and discuss the effects that technology has had on another part of modern life. For example, one might discuss the effects of social media on loneliness, or the effects of email on workplace communication. You may also focus on causes or both causes and effects (e.g. why lonely people are drawn to social media). As you prepare your argument, consider responding to some of the following questions:
What are the ethical implications of this technology’s use or overuse?
How much has your thinking been influenced by this technology?
How has the technology effected relationships?
In what ways does the technology help people immerse themselves in new ideas, relationships, or activities?
How does it benefit and/or prevent people from accomplishing goals?
How much does it cause people to be mentally and/or physically well or unwell?
How can you alter your use of the technology to improve your goals and/or well-being?
Throughout your essay, be sure to use transitions and signal phrases to make logical connections between your ideas and the ideas/arguments/evidence presented in your sources.
Other than Postman’s chapter, here are some possibilities. You may choose others from the course supplemental essays or library databases:
The Judgment of Thamus (required)
Is Google Making us Stupid?
Was email a mistake?
Is Facebook making us Lonely?
The IRL Fetish
Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?
You Are What You Click
The Rise of the Get “Real Post” on Instagram
Against Self-Driving Cars
Other Resources
“They Say, I Say” Template Guide
Argument Guidelines
Thesis Machine Worksheet
Course Supplemental Essays
Your College’s Library Databases
You may access the sample essays from technology discussion 5 here: Sample Technology Essays.
1500+ words, 2+ sources, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, MLA format, Works Cited
Grading Rubric
Please Note: The rubric will only be used to assess your final draft. You will be awarded full credit for your first draft after submitting a complete draft (see requirements above) and completing two peer reviews.
A rubric is a grading guide that contains specific criteria that is used to evaluate student work. The levels of achievement will explain what you will need to do to successfully complete the assignment. You should strive to achieve the highest level. For essays and journals, you will be submitting to a Turnitin link, which has its own system for viewing rubrics.

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