Learning Goal: I’m working on a nursing question and need support to help me lea

Learning Goal: I’m working on a nursing question and need support to help me learn.Be sure your response to a classmate or me is at least 100 words that reflect critical thinking using examples, experiences, research, etc., and expands on the topic.
Use direct quotes sparingly. If direct quotes are used, they should be appropriately cited and will not count towards your word count.
The best example of an endemic is Malaria in certain parts of Africa. Finally, a pandemic is a disease or illness that has spread and traveled over many countries and continents. Of course, the most current and relevant example is COVID-19. A current epidemic is the “Opioid Crisis”. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention collects data on deaths and nonfatal overdoses involving four types of opioids including natural, methadone, synthetic and heroin. Nearly 500,000 people have died from overdoses between 1999-2019 from prescription of illicit opioids (CDC, 2020). According to the CDC and its online epidemiologic data and statistics WONDER, just in 2019 alone 50,000 deaths in America were due to opioid abuse which is 6 times more than 1999. The numbers are staggering and continue to increase.

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