Learning Goal: I’m working on a history multi-part question and need an explanat

Learning Goal: I’m working on a history multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.One of the course themes and an issue in modern times has been the role of government. Today’s pandemic has made the importance of government seem more critical. Throughout our course we have seen how Progressives, New Dealers, civil rights leaders, and many others have argued that government must represent and protect the public interest. Some conservative groups have argued that government restrictions have a negative impact. More recent parties have portrayed government as a force for good/a force against freedoms. This past presidential election brought up these old debates, along with the issue of officials’ accountability to the people and the limits of executive power.For our last reflection consider:What have been modern U.S. government’s greatest successes (1900-present)? Choose a few examples and make your case.
Where did our government fail? (a few examples, etc.)
In your conclusion, what public concerns do you think our government should address in the near future?
Book: give me liberty: A modern history by Eric Foner sixth edition, please use the book resource not outside resource, thanks

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