Learning Goal: I’m working on a aerospace engineering question and need guidance

Learning Goal: I’m working on a aerospace engineering question and need guidance to help me learn.Answer the following questions.Opine to the major issues in the Roselawn, IN. [NTSB AAR-9601(PDF)] icing accident. Was causation a unique meteorological condition, crew issue, or an aircraft design flaw? And what lessons could be gleaned from this accident to prevent another similar one. For best viewing, download this large NTSB file and read the formal report.
A substantial response shows thought and critical thinking, a short, two or three sentence response is not acceptable. Support your opinions with at least one valid reference. You may use course material, but be specific. Personal experiences etc. may be used to enhance your perspective of the questions but they must be valid and relative to the subject matter. Your instructor will evaluate your posts using the discussion rubric.Read the posts of your classmates, reply and evaluate at least one other student’s posting. Look for any additional questions or comments your instructor may reply to you on before the last day of the module week

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