Joining a Conversation You’ve Researched: Independent Research Essay For your th

Joining a Conversation You’ve Researched: Independent Research Essay
For your third formal essay, you will write an essay to present a researched argument about an issue that interests you. This paper allows you to create your own argument, taking into account what you have learned during this course about argument development, synthetic analysis, paragraph construction, and thesis creation, and encourages you to explore the resources through scholarly databases and other academic resources. You will demonstrate your skills by showing the conversation your paper is responding to (“they say”), clearly articulating your own argument (“I say”), incorporating sources smoothly by using quotation sandwiches and proper documentation, pointing out possible objections to your argument, using appropriate transitions, and explaining why the issue you have selected is significant. You may wish to incorporate some metacommentary techniques carefully, remaining mindful of the importance of maintaining a formal, academic style.
As you wrap up your revisions and edits for submission, please check to see that your essay has an introduction ending in an arguable thesis, a review of the literature, paragraphs to form your argument, and a conclusion. Make sure that you have used at least six scholarly sources, created synthetic paragraphs, and included an MLA style works cited page at the end of your essay. Your completed essay should be six pages long before the works cited page, using MLA style formatting.
Be sure to:
• double space evenly
• use 12 point Times New Roman font
• include an original title for your essay
• add a header to the upper right corner with your last name and page numbering
• add single-spaced identification to the upper left of the first page only (your name, my name, class
name, and date)
• include a MLA-style works cited listing (using MLA 8)
• include parenthetical citations as needed
Remember to adhere to rules of formal academic style and standard edited English:
• You may use the first person singular (I and/or me), but be aware that stronger writers often avoid the first person in favor of stating their claims clearly, because strong framing should distinguish the essay writer’s claims from those of the sources used.
• Avoid the second person (you, your) and first person plural (we, us, our) throughout the essay. Use only sparingly and with caution.
• Avoid contractions throughout the essay.
• Reread and edit your work carefully for clarity and polish.
I chose this subject and these sources:
Neuroscience is defined as ”the scientific study of the nervous system, both from the point of view of its structure and its functioning, from the molecular scale to the level of organs, such as the brain, or even the entire organism. At the end of the 20th century, in order to proceed to the development of marketing. Neuroscience was financially supported in studies by companies. In exchange, these scientific data allowed to have a better understanding of the influence of marketing on consumers. For several years now, many media have been criticizing neuromarketing, I try to analyze it in my own perception and understand it well. I intend to present it as it is and, in my essay, I intend to show why it is important to pay attention to it and to limit the access to personal data.
Barré, Jessy, and al. “L’IMAGERIE CÉRÉBRALE ET LA CONCEPTION DE PRODUIT : VERS DE NOUVEAUX OUTILS D’ÉVALUATION.” Le Travail Humain, vol. 78, no. 3, Presses Universitaires de France, 2015, pp. 217–38,
Accessed 16 Nov. 2021
This source allows me to bring at least some credible information to the reader, so that he can better understand the subject in question.
DROULERS, OLIVIER, and BERNARD ROULLET. “ « ÉMERGENCE DU NEUROMARKETING : APPORTS ET PERSPECTIVES POUR LES PRATICIENS ET LES CHERCHEURS ».” Décisions Marketing, no. 46, Association Française du Marketing, 2007, pp. 9–22, Accessed 02 November 2021.
This source will allow me to explain how neuroscience has become important for the economic sector, and also to trace the history of neuromarketing.
Stanton, Steven J., et al. “Neuromarketing: Ethical Implications of Its Use and Potential Misuse.” Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 144, no. 4, Springer, 2017, pp. 799–811, Accessed 02 November 2021.
This source will help me to understand why it is important to use Neuroscience and how it’s supposed to be use. Also, the advantages of disadvantages of using Neuroscience in Marketing.
Rapp, Justine, and al. “Advertising and Consumer Privacy: Old Practices and New Challenges.” Journal of Advertising, vol. 38, no. 4, Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 2009, pp. 51–61, Accessed 16 Nov. 2021
This source will allow me to have my opinion on neuromarketing, because my first two sources presented it as it is with its good and bad sides. This article, more precisely, explains how they proceeded to the collection of personal data, also for what purpose these data are used.
Venkatraman, Vinod, et al. “New Scanner Data for Brand Marketers: How Neuroscience Can Help Better Understand Differences in Brand Preferences.” Journal of Consumer Psychology, vol. 22, no. 1, Wiley, 2012, pp. 143–53, Accessed 16 Nov. 2021
This source will allow me to answer this question: After such information as a consumer could I still trust the brand.
Hazeldine, Simon. “How to Read Your Customer and How to Adapt Your Style.” Neuro-Sell: How Neuroscience Can Power Your Sales Success, KoganPage, London, 2015, pp. 67–77. . Accessed 16 Nov. 2021
This source will allow me to explain to the reader how through neuromarketing as consumers we are controlled .

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