I’ve chosen three topics from the Module 2 chapters and I want you to write a st

I’ve chosen three topics from the Module 2 chapters and I want you to write a story about each that illustrates the definition. Your stories can be real (it actually happened to someone you know), personal (it happened to you), or completely made-up. You don’t need to say which of the three applies.
The key points.
If you were using the concept of goodness of fit from chapter 4 to parent your child, give a specific example how you would use it.
Write a story for Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development. Make sure your example contains all the parts of moving a child through the zone as described in Belsky.
Write a story for prosocial behavior
Read all the directions carefully because not following them will cost you to lose points needlessly. Use the checklist when writing your stories.
Start with How to write your stories. It includes an example of correlation and directions on how I wrote it.
This explains the scoring system.
And most importantly, use this checklist as you write your stories to make sure you have included everything
Put all three stories in one post.
You are not required to reply to another student
To get you started, I’ve written sample stories for each.
Definition. Goodness of fit refers to a parent matching the child’s environment to their temperament. By doing so they maximize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses.
Story: The key point is goodness-of -fit. Deshawn is a two year old who is a very active for his age. He also very curious so he is likely to get into anything that is not secured. For example, he likes to climb on things so he opens the drawers in his dresser and uses them as steps to climb to the top. Then he climbs back down. He likes to take apart things. One day he began dismantling the clock in his room. He took one of his toys and tried to insert it into an electrical socket. To minimize his weaknesses, his parents secured the dresser to the wall and put locks on the drawers so he can’t open them, They have installed locks on all their cabinets. put safety plugs in all the outlets, and put away any of his toys that might be dangerous. They installed a gate to keep him out of the kitchen when they are not there to supervise him. To maximize his strength, they take him to the playground and encourage him to climb on the slides and Jungle-Jim. They also stocked his playroom with safe toys that he can explore and take apart. This is a story about goodness-of-fit because Deshawn’s parents have matched their parenting style to his temperament by childproofing the house (minimizing his weaknesses) and providing safe places to play in the way he likes (maximizing his strengths).
Definition. Zone of proximal development is the place between what an elementary age child knows and what they are trying to learn. They cannot learn it by themselves so they need the help of an expert (teacher). The teacher has to present the new information in small bits called scaffolding. Each time the learner masters one of the small bits, the teacher praises them for their success. The teacher doesn’t punish the learner for mistakes.
Story. The key point is zone of proximal development. Ibrahim sits with his 6 year old son, Aryan, while he reads. When Aryan comes to a word he can’t pronounce, Ibrahim uses scaffolding to help him. Ibrahim will say the word and have Aryan repeat it. He continues to have Aryan repeat the word until he can say it on his own. When Aryan makes a mistake, Ibrahim just repeats the word for him. When Aryan says it correctly Ibrahim tells him what a good job he is doing. As Aryan comes to other words he doesn’t know, Ibrahim does the same thing. He sounds out the word, has Aryan repeat it until he can say it on his own, doesn’t punish him for mistakes, and then reinforces him when he gets it right. Each time Aryan reads the passage, he misses fewer words and finally gets them all correct. Ibrahim scaffolded Aryan through the zone of proximal development by helping him learn to say words he doesn’t know. This is a story about the zone of proximal development because Ibrahim uses a step-by-step process called scaffolding to help Aryan cross the zone from words he doesn’t know to now being able to pronounce them correctly.
Definition. Prosocial behavior involves a preschool or elementary age child engaging in a behavior for the goodness of others. The behavior promotes good relationships between the two children and demonstrates one child helping another child in need.
Story. The key point is prosocial behavior. Chloe, a 6-year-old first grader, sees her classmate Alicia fall. Alicia hasn’t gotten up yet so Chloe thinks she might have hurt herself. She runs to Alicia and asks her if she is ok. Alicia is crying and says she hurt her knee. Cloe goes to her teacher and tells her Alicia fell and hurt her knee. Cloe and the teacher rush over to Alicia. The teach

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