Interview a current practicing teacher and write a 3-page review of what you lea

Interview a current practicing teacher and write a 3-page review of what you learned. The way to proceed is to come up with a list of about 6-8 open-ended questions that will get the teacher to talk about the kinds of things you want to know about. For example, you might consider learning about curriculum by asking your teacher: “So… Mr. or Mrs. So-and-so, how do you decide what to teach in your class?” This will get them talking about all sorts of things and then you can just take good notes – or even record the interview! When you are done, write a 3-page analysis talking about what you learned about the processes of teaching, learning, and schooling in general. Don’t tell me what your teacher does or says… tell me what you learned about these things! That’s what I care about… your learning!
Ask important questions and follow-up with additional questions that dig at an essential issue or two. Avoid asking a series of disconnected questions that don’t lead anywhere or give you important insight. In your paper, try to make connections between what your teacher is saying and what you are learning in this class.
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