International Connections Research Paper: Please, find at least 3 peer-reviewed

International Connections Research Paper: Please, find at least 3 peer-reviewed articles and write about the impact of illicit and licit drugs on society, employment, and treatment efficacy. In the paper, you need to submit at the end of the semester on December 25, 2021, you need to answer the following questions: From the research articles you read, what are the impacts of drugs on the society locally, nationally, and globally? What are the challenges for public health? What are the economic consequences of drug abuse? What strategies would you propose that would mitigate this public health crisis? In your paper, make sure to use these questions as subheadings otherwise, you will lose a point by not following the instruction. Remember, this is a research paper NOT an opinion. Please, you also need to examine the dynamics of power and how it shapes such issues as knowledge, privilege/criminal justice, race/ethnicity, environment. Compose 6-7 pages (1500) words minimum. APA format, please. I am not an Einstein so try to keep kind of simple.

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