Instructions Consider the relationship between public health and the social dete

Consider the relationship between public health and the social determinants of health. Some people view public health theory and the social determinants of health as two discrete concepts. Others look for causation: Do the social determinants shape population health or does population health create social determinants? How might competing views influence research, funding, policy decisions?
For this journal submission, consider a variety of public health interventions intended to improve population health. Which interventions considered social determinants to successfully improve population health? In contrast, which interventions failed to consider social determinants? Describe some outcomes and opportunities for improvement.
Next, review the connection between public health and public policy. Discuss how the outcomes of successful and unsuccessful public health interventions have shaped public policy. Be sure to reference specific examples to support your conclusions.
Finally, include a personal reflection and make connections to your own experiences as noted in the rubric.
For additional details, please refer to the Reflection Journal Guidelines and Rubric document.

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