Instructions: 1. Provide complete “genetic” details of your breedin

1. Provide complete “genetic” details of your breeding program
2. These must include the following:
a. What Species will you use?
b. Describe your target market. Why did you choose this market?
c. Identify a breeding objective based on your target market. Discuss the following:
i. For which trait or traits will you select?
ii. How do these traits relate to your target market?
iii. What other traits do you expect to be affected as a correlated response to selection?
iv. How will you document progress in selected traits?
v. How will you monitor correlated traits?
d. Identify a mating plan. Why is this mating plan appropriate for your marketing objective? Discuss the following.
i. How many sires and dams are there in your herd(s), flock(s), pack(s), or clowder(s)?
ii. How many replacements will you need?
iii. How will replacements be selected?
iv. How will culling decisions be made?
v. How will matings be assigned?
e. What is your expected generation interval – provide calculations (show your work)
f. What is your expected intensity of selection?
g. Expected progress – provide calculations (use the key equation and show your work; if you don’t know what numbers to use look up estimates and provide references to your sources).
h. Discuss you mating procedures. Remember your mating program and your selection program are two different things.
i. Discuss anything else that might impact your program
3. You should justify any decisions by providing references. If you can’t find a reference then clearly state that you made an assumption. For example: “I was unable to find an estimate of the h2 for pre-weaning survival in pigs; however, given this type of trait I would expect the h2 to be low. So I assume h2 = 0.1.”
4. Your report must be well organized and typed. Lines must be double spaced, use 1” margins, and a minimum font size of 12. A cover page is required. The cover pages must include the species of choice and the target market.

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