INSTRUCTIONS: Please respond to questions in each section of the exam with long-

INSTRUCTIONS: Please respond to questions in each section of the exam with long-form, multi-paragraph essays (one from section one and one from section two; two total); each essay should have a thesis and be composed with an introduction, two to four body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In order to do well on the module, you must utilize specific examples drawn from both material discussed in class and texts assigned for class. When you use course reading in your responses (quotes or paraphrasing), please be sure to cite your sources using a parenthetical reference like the one at the end of this sentence, which notes the page number in your textbook (Locke and Wright, 12) or the name of the document (Document for Module 4). When you use lecture videos in your responses, note the date (Lecture, module three). DO NOT use material outside of the assigned reading or class discussion (this exam will be submitted through Turnitin). Each essay should have a clear, argumentative thesis statement that directly addresses the central aim of the prompt (the question in bold print). Given that you had access to the questions to work on over the next week, you will be expected to produce detailed responses that demonstrate both your breadth of knowledge about the subject and evidence of critical thinking/reading. Your essays should be submitted as a SINGLE FILE (only one file can be submitted). The essays will be graded on a point scale with the essay rubric used in class on the first exam. When you are ready to begin, please scroll down to page two for the first essay question. Good Luck!
Section One: Choose ONE of the following questions and respond with a multi-paragraph essay:
How did trends in American culture and social life during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s reflect the political changes of this era? ?
To what extent did anti-Communist fervor in the United States during the 1950s reinforce ethnic loyalties and divisions within the nation?
What parallels exist between American foreign policy and American domestic life during the Cold War era (1945-1989)? In what ways did social regulation support America’s core political objectives during the Cold War era?
In what ways did social regulation support America’s core political objectives during the Cold War era? What impact did such regulation have on American life in the short term and the long term.
Section Two: Choose ONE of the following questions and respond with a multi-paragraph essay:
How has racial inequity influenced American social life and culture since the end of Reconstruction? In what ways have Americans fought for — and against — great racial equity?
How has government intervention in the economy changed from 1877 to present. Consider key “marker events” or major transformation in federal economic policy as well as the reaction of Americans to these changes.
To what extent is the fight for social justice fundamentally American? For your response draw on examples from various social movements, 1870- present.
To what extent do the experiences of immigrants in the twentieth century support the validity of the American Dream (in this iteration, “if you work hard enough, you can achieve anything”) as a common or accessible experience for most people?

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