Instructions for the assignment A perfect template is attached, simply take the

Instructions for the assignment A perfect template is attached, simply take the information and make it a unique writing that follows the instructions, while being similar to the attached samples, but without being identical. As a team, the group members will work together to secure a data set, it can be from your employer (with appropriate authorization), libraries, data warehouses (with consent from the owner), or public sources such as U.S. Census Bureau or CIA, etc. The requirement is that you will need to have at least 20 parameters and over 5,000 records (INCLUDED). However, as a minimum, you must use all the following analyses including descriptive statistics, measures of central tendency and variations, correlation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, chi-square test, ANOVA, and linear regression. Your presentation should be about 20 slides that highlight the nature of the data and your findings. The paper and presentation are due at the end of the semester. This is a sample of the structure of your paper: • Title page with group members’ names • Executive summary – one page, summarized highly • Introduction Background info How was data collected Sampling method used? What was the primary reason for the data collection? • Descriptive Statistical Analysis o Describe the data o Time series versus cross-sectional o Central tendency o Variations o Graphical representation • Exploratory and Inferential Research o Confidence intervals o Correlations o ANOVA o Chi-Squared test o Data reduction attempted (factors, clusters)? o Causal relationship identified o Hypotheses developed o Causal relationship tested o Linear regression • Limitations of research • Conclusion

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