INSTRUCTIONS FOR “PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT” PAPER: Choose a New York City agency-administered program from the list provided in the website found under “NYC Programs & Initiatives.” Pick a specific program administered by a NYC agency. Prof. Azad MUST approve your agency and program choice. Any papers submitted without written approval will receive an automatic “0”.
The performance measurement paper should have the following format.
I. Introduction – Introduce BOTH the agency AND the program. Give a brief description of the agency and the program administered by the agency (no longer than 2-3 paragraphs). Include the mission/vision statements for both. If none exist, or are inadequate, provide complete and through statements. If your chosen program is administered through many agencies, do the same for all agencies involved.
II. Logic Model- Provide a logic model for the chosen PROGRAM. Include “Inputs (Resources), Activities (Services), Outcomes (Proximal and Distal). Use the Kellogg Foundation’s guidelines (page 25) to create a logic model for your program.
III. Conclusion (Discussion)- Based on your research, provide evidence of why your chosen program SHOULD/SHOULD NOT be continued and funded. If you think a portion of the current program should be altered but the rest remain intact, identify and explain this.
Notes: Include a cover page with your agency AND program names, your name, and the date.
Include a reference page for all sources utilized, in proper APA format.

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