In week 6, we discussed the influence of a number of early feminist scholars who

In week 6, we discussed the influence of a number of early feminist scholars who championed the extension of equal rights (suffrage, independence, autonomy, etc.) to women. Using evidence from readings and lecture, write an essay in which you compare the ideas of two of the theorists from week 6. Lay out their arguments for equal rights. How do they each understand the source of gender oppression? What does their writing suggest is the best path/road/ strategy to gender equality? Lastly, comment on which of these arguments are most compelling today and why.
Instructions: Your exam should be typed (12-point font, double spaced, normal font and margins). Your exam may should be 4-5 pages long or approximately 1000 to 1250 words. (Anything longer than this will NOT be read). Your essays should be well organized and clear. You WILL be penalized for significant spelling or grammatical issues. You should take care to answer ALL parts of the question. You are required to draw upon evidence from readings and lecture. You may not use ANY sources outside of class materials. (Plagiarism will be harshly punished.) You MUST cite your sources. A simple parenthetical notation is sufficient. Examples: (Bourdieu, p. 25), (Lecture, Oct. 13), (Calhoun, p.40).
TO: My Writer
FROM: Student
With the downloads I have provided you only have to pick 2 of the women to compare. I believe there are 3 or 4 options.

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