In this persuasive essay, you should first choose one of the following three art

In this persuasive essay, you should first choose one of the following three articles, which are taken from our course textbook (page numbers correspond to the 4th edition): Option 1: Is It Ever OK to Lie to Patients? (pp. 193–196) Option 2: Is It Time to Stop Using Race in Medical Research? (pp. 326–328) Option 3: The Philosophers’ Brief (pp. 717–725) Your overall project in this essay is to critique the author’s claims and arguments. The goal will be to convince the reader about the goodness or badness/rightness or wrongness of the author’s arguments. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the author, and for what reasons? Are there better, alternative arguments that you can present, either in support of or in opposition to those of the author? These are questions you might think of as starting points to writing your paper. A good way to begin this paper is to first provide a brief summary or exposition of the author’s main points (in about 200 words). Then, you can get into your persuasive writing per se. This paper should be a minimum of 750 words, up to 1250 words (approximately 3–5 double spaced pages in 12 point font). This essay will be worth 20% of your overall course grade and will be due on Sunday, November 14th at 11:59PM. Please submit your assignment in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format.

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