If you need help understanding what a stock analysis is here is a link: https://

If you need help understanding what a stock analysis is here is a link: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/stock-analysis.asp
We are to acquire real-world data and then use techniques that we learned online to analyze. The completion of the project will be comprised of two components – quantitative and qualitative analysis. While quantitative analysis should be done with equations and numbers, the qualitative analysis must be summarized in a Word document. Two-page qualitative analysis in Word document. You should include a summary paragraph at the end. You should clearly announce your recommendation. There are five recommendations you could issue. They are strong buy, buy, hold, sell, and strong sell.
Two-page quantitative analysis in Word document. You do not need to write down every step of the analysis, but you should at least include every major step to show the methodology and logic.
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