I need the following problems answered for my math week 14 discussion board: 1.

I need the following problems answered for my math week 14 discussion board:
1. Town A has a population of 1,000. The growth rate is 3.2% per year, How many people will the town have in 10 years. Round up to the next whole person.
2. Town B has a population of 1,000. The decay rate is 3.2% per year, How many people will the town have in 10 years. Round up to the next whole person.
3. Town C has a population of 1,000. The doubling time for the population is 15 years. How many people will the town have in 10 years. Round up to the next whole person.
4. Town D has a population of 1,000. The halving time for the population is 15 years. How many people will the town have in 10 years. Round up to the next whole person.

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