I‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ will share the files. Each week is numbered and should be

I‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ will share the files. Each week is numbered and should be 1.5 pages minimum. There are a lot of files that I will send over, they are labeled by numbers or chapters. The number indicate which week it corresponds to and the chapter indicated below. Entrepreneurship Journal assignment for week #1 1. Who owns the CadWatt Solar Cell technology? What rights, if any, can SSC claim to it? (Chapter 2: Leaving Your Employer) 2. What can Pierre do to make his departure from SSC amicable? Should he have left sooner? What ongoing obligations does he have to SSC? (Chapter 2: Leaving Your Employer) 3. Can Pierre ask several of his colleagues at SSC to join his new enterprise? (Chapter 2: Leaving Your Employer) 4. Read the Mohanty case. Summarize the key facts of this case as set forth in Justice Burke’s ruling in a paragraph or two. You may ignore the concurring and dissenting opinions. For the purposes of this class, we are primarily concerned here with the Illinois Supreme Court’s ruling on the reasonableness of the time and distance limits in the covenants not to compete for the two doctors. 5. How did the Illinois Supreme Court rule (in Justice Burke’s majority opinion) on the reasonableness of the covenants not to compete, as to time and distance, for Doctor Ramadurai and Doctor Mohanty? 6. Do you agree with Justice Burke’s ruling as to the reasonableness of the covenants not to compete for the two doctors as to time and distance? Why or why not. Entrepreneurship Journal assignment for week #2 1. Should Pierre and Maya hire an attorney? How do they select the right one? (Chapter 3: Selecting and Working with an Attorney) 2. Select a company name for a fictitious sole proprietorship that you might theoretically start on your own. Record in journal. 3. Conduct a name availability search. Describe how you did it and what the results were in your journal. 4. Where would you file this business name? How? 5. What license or permits might you need for this business? Where would you get them? 6. Review the WebSaver case study, which was assigned for week #2. This case examines several legal issues faced by Samantha Fine, the chief executive officer of NextStep, a software concern that is found on the Web and planning an initial public offering. Fine has to determine how to deal with Ann Chen, a co-founder who left the company prior to the launch of WebSaver and who may come forward and claim that she is entitled to a higher percentage of the company than that which NextStep has given her an option to purchase. a.) What factors should Fine consider prior to making a decision about Chen? b.) What, if anything, could Fine have done to ensure that the situation with Chen was resolved at an earlier time? Entrepreneurship Journal assignment for week #3 Questions 1 and 2: Please answer questions 5 and 6 on page 14 of your text. Please write the questions and answers in your journal. 1. Given their limited budget, can Pierre and Maya afford an attorney? Can they afford not to have one? (Chapter 3: Selecting and Working with an Attorney) 2. What would be an appropriate legal form for the business from a liability and tax standpoint? (Chapter 4: Deciding Whether to Incorporate) 3. This question addresses the Spellman case study assigned for week 3. a.) What are the key issues related to the restricted stock agreement? What should Spellman’s priorities be with respect to these issues, and what resolution of these issues would constitute a “fair” outcome from your point of view? Be specific as to which provisions you want added or modified. Answer the same question with respect to the employment agreement. b.) How would you assess Mr. Spellman’s negotiation skills in this case study? How might he have improved his negotiation with his new employer? Entrepreneurship Journal assignment for week 4: Question 1: For Pierre and Maya, what are the founders’ options when seeking financing for a new venture? 2. a.) What did you learn from the presentation of our first guest speaker, Bryan Cressey, during week 4? b. What did you like most from that presentation? c. What did you like least about that presentation? d.) If you missed that live presentation, then please watch the recording of that class. 3. a) Describe an entrepreneurship initiative you might consider undertaking. b.) Assuming that you would need more capital than you could raise yourself from friends and family, under what circumstances might you wish to seek funding from an angel investor, rather than a venture capital firm? c.) Assuming that same scenario of needing outside capital, under what circumstances might you prefer venture capital funding rather than financing from an angel investor? Entrepreneurship Journal assignment for week 5: 1. For Pierre and Maya’s startup company, a.) Should they hire workers as employees or independent contractors? Why? b.) Does the company have to pay laboratory technicians the minimum wage and overtime? Why? c.) When is the company required to withhold taxes from their workers’ checks and pay Social Security taxes? d.) What accommodations must the company make for workers with physical or mental disabilities? e.) How might the company best protect itself against claims of employment discrimination and sexual harassment? 2. Read the Microsoft opinion. Research this case ‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍on-line. List at least two sources you consult, ., Wall Street Journal or New York Times. Give a brief description of what the facts were in this case. How did the court decide? What were the key factors that seemed to influence the court’s decision? Do you agree with this decision? Why or why not? Entrepreneurship Journal assignment for week 6: 1. What should Alexei and Piper consider before signing a standard form lease for office, laboratory or manufacturing space? Why? Questions 2-5 refer to the X-IT and Kidde case study: 2. What are X-IT’s strongest legal claims against Kidde? 3. What are the pros and cons of suing Kidde? 4. If you were Aldo DiBelardino, what would you do? 5. If you were an outside investor of X-IT, would you fund a lawsuit? Why or why not? 6. There was a long running legal battle over Avanti Corporation’s alleged misappropriation of trade secrets from Cadence Design Systems. That ended abruptly when Avanti and several of its executives pled no contest in July 2001 to the charges during the criminal trial. Do your own research. Document at least three sources of information, other than the text, in your answer to these questions: A. What happened in the case between Avanti Corp. and Cadence Designs Systems? B. What happened in the associated criminal case? C. Do you think the sentences and fines were too high or too low or just about right? Why? Entrepreneurship Journal assignment for week 7: The first 4 questions relate to the BitTorrent case study: 1. Why haven’t the record companies or film studios tried to shut down BitTorrent? What actions by BitTorrent would make them more or less likely to sue? 2. Does DCM-Doll Capital Management, the venture capital firm that funded BitTorrent, have any potential liability for copyright infringement? 3. What could Napster, Hummer Winblad, and Grokster have done to have avoided suit, or to have given them a stronger position with respect to the legal actions that unfolded? 4. Does Google’s library search project or its image search feature violate the rights of the copyright holders of the content Google digitizes? If you were CEO of Google, what assurance would you want from counsel before proceeding? 5. This question relates to Ch. 10 of the text. a.) What warranties are implied when a company sells a product? b.) Can a company disclaim all warranties and limit its liability to replacement of the product or return on the purchase price? 6. This question relates to Ch. 14. a.) What does the term “intellectual property” mean? b.) Can you give an example of something that might be described as intellectual property? c.) What new idea can you come up with that might be described as intellectual property? Entrepreneurship Journal assignment for week #8 1. How can the company founded by Alexei and Piper resolve a claim for battery and false imprisonment arising out of an altercation with one of the company’s employees, and how can the company protect itself from such claims in the future? For purposes of this question you can assume the altercation was between an employee and a customer. 2. The tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress is discussed in Ch. 11 of the Bagley text. 1. Please describe this offense in your own words, as if you were describing it to a friend? 2. Please describe a set of facts that you come up with that would constitute this offense. 3. Assuming the set of facts you described were proven at a trial, what damages do you think should be awarded to the winning plaintiff? 3. The McDonalds hot coffee case of the Bagley text. At the time, the verdict was widely criticized in the press and on TV. 1. What possible argument(s) could be made to support the verdict? 2. Do you think the verdict was fair? Why or why not? 3. Please consult and list three outside sources for your research on this case. 4. What is the difference between a patent and a copyright? 5. What is the concept of “fair use” in copyright law? Can you think of an example where it might apply to a classroom setting like ours? Entrepreneurship Journal assignment for week 9: 1. This question relates to chapter 16. a. What risks are involved in growing the business by acquisition? b. Is it better to grow the business internally? Why or why not? c. What factors should entrepreneurs consider when deciding to sell their business to a larger competitor? d. When is franchising a viable option? Questions 2 -5 relate to the EMC case study: 2. What is the most important issue for EMC CEO Joe Tucci? For the lawyers? 3. What kind of comfort on the patent litigation do Tucci and EMC’s board need from legal before going ahead with the deal? 4. What representations and warranties should EMC require from VMware? 5. How can EMC avoid being a stalking horse for other bidders? Entrepreneurship Journal assignment for week 10 1. This question relates to Ch. 17. a. When is an initial public offering an appropriate exit strategy? b. What is involved in going public? c. What obligations are imposed on a public company? 2. Please describe a subject or topic from this course that you found may be of value to you in an entrepreneurship venture, . patent, trade secret or non-disclosure agreement. Please describe how you might employ that concept ‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍in an entrepreneurship venture of your own.

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