Work Environment: Healthcare Eval 
Work Environment: Healthcare
Evaluate your level of comfort with the three foundation financial statements:
The income and expense report
The balance sheet
The statement of cash flows
Frame your evaluation with knowledge gained in the work environment and in prior classes.
Evaluate your level of comfort with three important financial statements:
The income and expense report.
The balance sheet.
The statement of cash flows.
Illustrate the relationship of the elements of all income and expense report entries offered as part of the simulation.
Illustrate the steps needed to discuss a pro forma income and expense statement with a potential investor.
Interpret the meaning of the balance sheet entries offered as part of the simulation.
Identify the principles and steps needed to discuss a pro forma balance sheet with a potential investor.
Describe the role of statement of cashflows entries offered as part of the simulation.
Summarize the principles and steps needed to discuss a pro forma statement of cashflows with a potential investor.

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