These articles can be found at th
These articles can be found at the above link.
A deeper look into industry trends….
1. Your task will be to highlight the main points of each main heading area (some include facilities, revenue, and expenditures, programming, etc.)
– Analyze the data, the importance of it and how it could affect you in the future
– Analyze what this means for jobs/opportunities in the field.
2. Create a visual (PowerPoint, Prezi, Canva, etc.) to share your key takeaway points or information that you found most valuable/helpful from each area.
– The slides could contain key points, graphs, and pictures. You can use the snipping tool to snip any figures you would like to use in your presentation.
– There will be eight trend areas in this article (listed below).
Slide 1. Aquatics
Slide 1. Parks and Recreation
Slide 2. Colleges and Universities
SLide 2. Schools and Schools Districts
Slide 3. Health, Fitness & Sports Clubs
Slide 3. YMCAs, YWCAs, JCCs & Boys and Girls Clubs
Slide 4. Camp Facilities
Slide 4. Sports and Rec Centers

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