Holy Spirit Research Paper Instructions This paper will integrate Scripture, lec

Holy Spirit Research Paper Instructions
This paper will integrate Scripture, lecture themes, research materials and personal experience as related to the Holy Spirit. It is to be 6 pages in length and should address the following:
I. Introduction (1/2 page)
II. Who is the Holy Spirit? (1 page)
Discuss the Holy Spirit’s unique characteristics and personality.
Use Scripture to characterize the person Holy Spirit: A minimum of five Scripture references are required. Reference Scripture i.e. The Holy Spirit is like a dove (Luke 3:22, NIV). Do not excessively use direct quotes.
At least one additional academic source is required for this section.
This segment of the project should be at least 1 page in length.
II. What is the Work of the Holy Spirit? (2 pages)
Use Scripture to present the functions and purpose of the Holy Spirit.
What is His role in the earth?
What is His role in the church?
What is his role in the life of the believer?
A minimum of five scriipture references are required. Reference Scripture i.e. The Holy Spirit is like a dove (Luke 3:22, NIV). Do not excessively use direct quotes.
At least one additional academic source is required for this section.
This segment of the project should be at least 2 pages in length.
III. How has the Holy Spirit used people in History? (1 page) *
Identify a character from Church History and detail how this individual was led by the Holy Spirit in their life and ministry.
Research materials for this portion of the project can be found in the Holy Spirit Research Center.
At least one additional academic source per historical figure is required for this section.
Do NOT use Bible characters. Students must use figures other than people in the Bible (i.e. do not use Jesus, Paul, Abraham, etc.)
This segment of the project should be at least 1 page in length.
IV. How can the Holy Spirit use me? (1 page)
Discuss your experiences with the Holy Spirit and what your relationship with Him has produced in your life.
How can you be better led by the Holy Spirit in the future as you pursue your chosen vocation?
You may write in the first person for this section.
This segment of the project should be at least 1 page in length.
V. Conclusion (1/2 page)
Use the previously listed sections as headings in your paper to organize material. You will have SIX headings (centered and bolded): Introduction, Who is the Holy Spirit, Activity of the Holy Spirit, How the Holy Spirit Used People In History, How the Holy Spirit Can Use Me, and Conclusion.
Use Times New Roman (font), 12 point (font size)
Double spaced
One-inch margins on all sides
Include a title page
Must have a works cited/references page
All sources must be cited on a bibliographic page
Must submit the paper using the format and style of their school (APA, MLA, etc)
Must Include:
Length is to be at least 6 FULL pages of content. (Not 5 pages and one line on the sixth page. Six FULL pages of content.)
Must have at least three sources in addition to the Bible
Must have a works cited page/references which is in addition to the 6 pages of content

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