Hi! I would like to apply Object Relations Theory in particular to this case. So

Hi! I would like to apply Object Relations Theory in particular to this case. So if you could emphasize elements of that theory that would be effective in this case analysis, that would be appreciated. Attached below is the case details and more instructions for the paper. Let me know if you have any questions!
Instructions for Case Analysis Assignment:
In no more than 5 pages, discuss how a provided case can be understood and treated from a particular theoretical orientation. Choose one of the theoretical approaches addressed in class thus far. Your paper should be written in APA style, 12-point font, double- spaced.
In your paper please address the following:
1. What are the clients’ problems?
2. CONCEPTUALIZAITON – Explain how the theory chosen explains the development and manifestation of the problem?
3. TREATMENT PLAN – In line with your chosen theory, what would be your general approach to working with this client? What specific techniques would you use?
4. What are some limitations of using your chosen theory when working with this client? What are some recommendations you may have for this case?

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