For your final project, you will write an 1800-2000 word paper that applies LOs

For your final project, you will write an 1800-2000 word paper that applies LOs from all units to a topic of your choice. Your work must include the following sections:
Introduction (~500-600 words): Characterize the problem and present essential facts and context. Show the sub-problem breakdown process if appropriate.
Analysis (~600- 800 words): Conduct research and use LOs and concepts from one or more units to examine the problem and make it more understandable and tractable.
Solution (~500-600 words): Present a clear plan of action that addresses the problem, justifying each component of this plan.
EXAMPLE (You may not choose vaccination for this project)
Problem: Some parents choose not to vaccinate their children against infectious diseases.
Introduction: For context, the student writing this final project applies LOs from the Problem Solving unit to deeply characterize the problem. The student reviews some of the literature examining the reasons for avoiding vaccinations, which reveals the fear of complications as a primary driver. The student determines that these fears typically lack any basis in fact (e.g., that vaccines cause autism)
Analysis: In the analysis section, the student proposes some original ideas concerning the emotional and reasoning processes that go wrong for these parents, invoking LOs from the Logical Thinking and Biases unit.
Solution: The student finds literature on cognitive-behavioral therapy describing a way of helping people overcome phobias; the student then applies LOs from the Problem Solving unit to describe how this therapy might be adapted to the anti-vaccination problem. The student applies LOs from the Logical Thinking and Biases units noting how to avoid biases and errors in reasoning in their solution.
Your project must be your original, individual work, and should showcase your ability to integrate the LOs in creative, interesting ways.
Your project cannot be substantially the same as other work you have completed.
Assignment Information
1800-2000 words
Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes
Evaluating Claims and Justifications
#logic: logic
#fallacies: fallacies
#estimation: estimation
Solving Problems
#scienceoflearning: scienceoflearning
#analogies: analogies
#heuristics: heuristics
Analyzing Problems and Decisions
#rightproblem: rightproblem
#breakitdown: breakitdown
#gapanalysis: gapanalysis
#bias: bias
#constraints: constraints

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