For this paper, you are asked to create a 3,500-5,000 word mini-course worth of

For this paper, you are asked to create a 3,500-5,000 word mini-course worth of advice for a new CISO – Cheif Information Security Officer (or this person could also be a new CIO [Chief Information Officer], a new CDO [Chief Data Officer], or a new person in charge of overseeing data-driven decisions).
The purpose is to condense advice for a person newly in charge of making decisions on complex topics about cyber risks or a closely related risk (e.g. data driven decisions about digital transformation, about data analytics, or about disruptive technologies).
This is a more management, risk, & decision-making focused assignment.
This work should be grounded in the TRP & DCD books that were assigned as part of this course. You are strongly encouraged to supplement the two books with additional resources (your findings). However, there must be clear references in your work to the TRP & DCD books.
I will upload PDF’s of both the books in some time. They’re short books with less than 150-200 pages. You can start writing the paper with other resources or papers you find online. These books must also be referenced compulsorily.

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