For this assignment, watch “Face blindness” and write a short comment in respons

For this assignment, watch “Face blindness” and write a short comment in response to the questions outlined below.
you may have seen this fabulous two-part video produced by “60 minutes” earlier in the course that describes the various aspects of prosopagnosia in an engaging and informative manner, as well as neuroimaging research on faces.
As you watch the videos, you will “meet” Dr. Nancy Kanwisher (Professor, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT). As you’ll see, she conducted an fMRI study on people with congenital prosopagnosia. Pay special attention to the hypothesis that she tried to address in that study (part 2).
Use your knowledge of spatio-temporal stages of face processing to answer the following questions (in 250 – 300 words):
What is the basic hypothesis that the study was testing?
What part of the brain was in the study’s focus and why?
Using your knowledge of the spatio-temporal stages of face processing, explain why Dr. Kanwisher’s hypothesis was not supported?
What do you think is happening instead? How would YOU interpret these findings? (again, recall the stages of face processing)
Please note that, as always, better grades will be given to comments with a higher quality of response (i.e. analytical substance), better understanding of the spatio-temporal stages of face processing, higher overall clarity of thought and higher quality of writing.
Part 1
Part 2 (Links to an external site.)

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