For these tasks you should refer to, and follow, relevant instructions in the of

For these tasks you should refer to, and follow, relevant instructions in the official Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide (Amazon Web Services, n.d.-k), available in this week’s resources.
1. Log on to AWS Educate using your AWS educate starter account, and click AWS Console button.
2. Launch a new instance using the Amazon EC2 console, in your default Region/Availability Zone.
3. Select the Amazon Linux AMI.
4. Choose the t2. medium instance type.
5. Launch the instance in the default virtual private cloud (VPC).
6. Assign the instance a public IP address (your choice), and add a tag to the instance of Key: Name, Value: ITEC6210-YourName.
7. Create a new security group called ITEC6210-Group-YourName.
8. Add a rule to the group ITEC6210-Group-YourName, allowing Secure Shell (SSH) access from any IP address.
9. Launch the instance, and when prompted for a key pair, create a new public-private key pair—ITEC6210Key-YourName. Download the private key (a .pem file) to your workstation.
10. Open a Linux terminal or command prompt window, and copy the private key into the working directory. Note, if on a pre-Windows 10 machine, you may need to download and install the CYGWIN “Linux emulator for Windows” tool by following the instructions provide here:
11. Run the chmod command on the key file, as follows: chmod 400 ITEC6210Key-YourName
12. SSH into the instance using the public IP address, the user name ec2-user, and the ITEC6210Key-YourName .pem file.
The command format is:
ssh -i ‘.pem’ ec2-user@
13. Use relevant Unix commands to navigate through the directory structure of your AWS t2 instance, and view the types of folders and files available.
14. Close the SSH session by typing the exit command.
15. Return to the AWS console and terminate the instance you created.
By Day 7
Submit a report in Blackboard summarizing your experiences with carrying out the tasks and including screenshots of the tasks you perform.

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