Find the answers to the following questions in your assigned reading. James A.

Find the answers to the following questions in your assigned reading.
James A. Kelhoffer, “The New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature,” in Theological Foundations, ed. J.J. Mueller (Winona, MN: Anselm Academic, 2011), pp. 77-96. (CH 3)
Daniel Finucane, “The People of God: The Church,” in Theological Foundations, ed. J.J. Mueller (Winona, MN: Anselm Academic, 2011), pp. 131-50. (CH.5)
1. In the chapter of Theological Foundations on the Church, the author Daniel Finucane describes three controversies or crises faced by the early church. Below, describe what each of these controversies or crises was about, based on what you have read. I changed the order so that they are in chronological order, not the order they appear in the book.
a. Admitting “Gentiles” (non-Jews) into the Christian church
b. Gnosticism and “Christian Gnosticism”
c. The creation of the Nicene Creed
2. In the chapter of Theological Foundations on the Church, Daniel Finucane defines the four marks of the church. In your own words, define them below.
a. One
b. Holy
c. Catholic
d. Apostolic
Brian Robinette, “Christology–Who Do You Say That I Am,” in Theological Foundations, ed. J.J. Mueller (Winona, MN: Anselm Academic, 2011), 105-25. (CH 4)
1. In Chapter 4 of Theological Foundations on Christology, Brian Robinette discusses three themes from the New Testament that illustrate the idea that even during the time the New Testament was being written, Christians believed that Jesus was a revelation of God to humanity. Below, please explain how each of these three themes illustrates this belief about Jesus:
a. Jesus as ‘Lord’
b. Death and Resurrection/Exaltation
c. Wisdom and Logos
2. According to the chapter of Theological Foundations on Jesus Christ, what was the primary issue of debate at the Council of Nicaea (or Nicea) in the year 325?

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