Final Project Research Paper Assignment<
Final Project Description<

Final Project Research Paper Assignment<
Final Project Description<
A research paper is required to be submitted no later than 11:55 PM U.S. Central Time the last day of the course, 12/22/21. <
The topic of the paper and research involved is the Internet of Things (IoT) and its associated security risks, vulnerabilities and risk mitigation. Though significantly more pages than required for this assignment, the file attachment Target Breach Example Research Paper.pdf is a good example of what is expected of research paper for this course.<
Your research paper should be 6 to 7 double spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font pages exclusive of title, reference, appendences and attachment pages (as typically used for tables or referenced graphic images). <
It must include a summary abstract, conclusions and a minimum of 5 substantive/authoritative links/references besides the text. It must also follow the policies contained in the Required Writing Style for Executive Summaries and Research Papers as contained in the syllabus. Your paper must be saved as a MS Word document with a .docx file extension. This is required to assure that there are no formatting errors which can result from conversion to a PDF document that could adversely affect assignment grading.<
Expected substantive links and references should be the result of conducting web research on authoritative Internet sites (such as and Information Security, Cybersecurity academic journals and which are accessible from the MNU library databases under the section heading “Journal and Research Articles”.<
Your expected conclusion should address your findings and recommendations as your feel are appropriate to mitigate cybersecurity risks to a business posed by the IoT resulting from your research of the security risks and vulnerabilities that such devices pose.

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