Examine BBC ORGANISATION. Consider its experience in managing charges of discrim

Examine BBC ORGANISATION. Consider its experience in managing charges of discrimination—GENDER DISCRIMINATION OR how it is seeking to manage diversity effectively.
Your essay must have at least five sources, and they should represent a variety of types of sources (e.g. academic, public policy, quality journalism).
· The first section of the essay briefly outlines the problem(s) and they in the organisation. Consider whether they arose over a long period of time or through a specific incident. Be sure to use details in your discussion.
· You need to include relevant theories that promote equality in your chosen organisation
· Outline the different methods the organisation used to manage its problem. Examine how the organisation dealt with the complexities of the situation and its current position.
4. Part Two
Use your own expertise to analyse the situation (you do not need to answer all of these questions in your essay; use them to guide your thought process).
. What could the organisation have done differently?
. How could they have avoided this problem?
. What did they do effectively/ineffectively?
.What strategies should the organisation have implemented to manage the diversity problem/crisis?
. Has the organisation recovered? If so, how and if not, why not?
. Does the crisis represent a leadership problem, and/or a management problem?

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