ender Differences in Depression.

Professor instructions:
Develop a research project abstract. Develop a research question about the topic: Gender Differences in Depression. Example: Are women are more susceptible to develop depression than men?
Abstracts should include: Introduction, Background, Design and Methods, Expected Results, Conclusions, and Implications/ Significance.
Make a brief search of the literature surrounding that topic and developing an abstract for your findings. Use articles that does not have more than 10 years. You can use Google Scholar for your research. Please note that many of the journal articles you are reading have abstracts in the very beginning of them that can serve as a good example. Keep in mind that abstracts are not very long in length, rather than typically a larger size paragraph (no longer than one page please). In addition, this link below helps break down more detail about how and why we utilize abstracts.
APA Style 7th edition is expected in your paper.

Writing an Abstract for Your Research Paper


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