Each discussion forum post in APA Format to contain at a minimum of 275 words &

Each discussion forum post in APA Format to contain at a minimum of 275 words & two scholarly reference are required.
The text asks you why individuals are more creative than teams. This expands the discussion on BRAINSTORMING. The text then goes on to list 4 major problems that stifle the effectiveness of team brainstorming.
This week, I want you to conduct an Internet search and find a definition of brainstorming that you like and wish to share with the class. Once you have shared that definition, take a look at each of the 4 problems or THREATS TO TEAM CREATIVITY that are listed on pages 233 – 235. Pick ONE of the 4 problems and expand on specific actions, within a team framework, that a leader can take in order to effectively address, minimize or otherwise mitigate the problem you’ve chosen. Try to identify at least 2 specific actions.

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