Dot points and note-form answers are acceptable (1) Imagine the ghosts of Piaget

Dot points and note-form answers are acceptable
(1) Imagine the ghosts of Piaget and Vygotsky took this unit and learned about cognitive development research since their deaths. Then the two ghosts decided to have a debate about whose theory better explains the research covered in this unit since they died. Please write out the debate between Piaget and Vygotsky wherein they argue for their own theory and against the other one’s theory, referring to research from the unit. [~600 words]
(2) Write out as coherent an argument as you can for nativist approaches to cognitive development (in terms of innate knowledge; not genetic origins of cognitive ability). If you believe there is no truly coherent argument (that is, coherent across different areas of cognitive development, such as language or knowledge of the physical world), then point out where the inconsistencies lie. [~300 words]

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