Does John D. Rockefeller II’s business/political philosophy — as he outlines in

Does John D. Rockefeller II’s business/political philosophy — as he outlines in the assigned excerpt — hold true in the U.S. today? (Note that I write “does” — not “should.”) How so, or why not? Make sure to effectively and quickly summarize one or two of his main ideas that either resonate today or that have been rejected (intentional passive voice). Aim to offer a mini-thesis to your overall answer in the first couple sentences. Make sure to ground your discussion of Rockefeller in the assigned text and lectures; ground your discussion of the larger business world today in serious sources (e.g., national newspapers and real magazines) rather than in jejune online-only sources. CITE FROM THE TEXT (USE PARENTHETICAL CITATIONS) TO SUPPORT YOUR IDEA, e.g, (Friedman, “The Social Responsibility of Business Is To Increase Its Profit, page#) YOU CAN BRING ONE SOURCE FROM OUTSIDE AS STATED IN THE INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE. YOU HAVE 15 HOURS FROM NOW.

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