Discuss how the plural executive and the part-time/nonprofessional status of the

Discuss how the plural executive and the part-time/nonprofessional status of the state legislature influence the balance of power between the two branches of government.
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1. Use APA style of in-text citing and use page numbers even when paraphrasing (Bowers 2018, p. 121). Make sure to cite chapters 6 & 7 in Bowers. Remember to always use specific page numbers! You do not need a cover page or a bibliography because we are all using the same sources. Do not use any outside sources/references.
2. You must use the classic 5 paragraph essay structure (introductory paragraph; 3 paragraph body; conclusion). Use 12 point font and double spacing (easier to read).
3. Each paragraph should have at least 5 college-level sentences.
4. Start your intro paragraph with an interesting “hook” (e.g., an historical event, interesting quote, interesting statistic). State the thesis/purpose of your essay in the intro paragraph. End your introductory paragraph with a sentence that clearly tells the reader what three main ideas you’ll be discussing in the essay.
5. Each paragraph in the body of the essay should focus on one main idea.

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